September 21, 2021
Melinda Head

The Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein Fiasco

Will the Emmy Award-Winning Drama Series, “The Crown”, Cover This Topic?

Dear Prince Andrew, you are in big trouble. Your friend, Jeffrey Epstein, with whom you say you were “not that close”, bestowed generosities on you that suggest friendship, including staying for several days at a time at his residences in NY, Palm Beach and the Virgin Islands, among other privileges.

The notorious Jeffrey Epstein, already the subject of a book and documentary series by famous crime writer James Patterson and John Connolly

Yes, many people would want their picture taken with you, was that simply the case with 17-year-old American Virginia Roberts-Giuffre, as you say?

Prince Andrew with his hand around the midriff of teenager Virginia Roberts. Accused sex trafficker, Ghislaine Maxwell (daughter of publishing tycoon Robert Maxwell), who reportedly sourced under-aged girls for Jeffrey Epstein and his powerful friends, smiles in the background. Some say that this photograph is a fake

Your Royal Highness, how could you have flown on Jeffrey Epstein’s private plane 6 weeks after he was arrested for sex offences? At that point, should you not have avoided any attachment to him at all costs? Are background checks not a part of the Royal Family’s vetting process?

This interview has been described as a “car crash” that was “nuclear explosion level bad”

Here is some interesting commentary about Prince Andrew’s body language during the now famous BBC interview, and what it reveals:

Andy, you stepped down from your public duties in May 2020, including all 230 of your patronages. That must have been humiliating. I can’t imagine what Queen Elizabeth said to you behind closed doors. How awful for her, for any mother.

Now you seem to be hiding from the U.S. District Court (NY). This is not becoming of a member of the Royal Family. If you did nothing wrong, why won’t you accept delivery of the Court’s notice of proceedings against you? Your behavior is only adding fuel to the fire. Is Royalty above the law? Would you not agree that the Monarchy should stand as an example for others to follow? How does fraternizing with a sex offender fit this part of your (former) job description?

For readers who want the exact details, the case is Giuffre v. Prince Andrew, Duke of York, 21-cv-06702, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).

Prince Andrew, I hear that you have been offered $100 million to take a lie detector test on live television. How about submitting yourself to a polygraph and donating the $100 million to victims of sex trafficking? I understand that becoming part of the biggest pay-per-view event ever sounds daunting and is not in keeping with royal traditions, but don’t you want to clear your name? And think of the good that could be done with $100 million. In French, they’d call it “un mal pour un bien” (a bad for a good). I understand that polygraph tests are not admissible in the State of New York, but in the court of public opinion, such a test could go a long way.

“If he is as innocent as he claims, he will pass the test with ease and his name will be cleared. It’s a great way for him to justify himself in 45 minutes.” (Ian Halperin, Canadian investigative journalist, writer and documentary filmmaker)

“I am willing to help any appropriate law enforcement agency with their investigations, if required.” (Prince Andrew, Duke of York)

The London High Court has accepted a request for service (to ensure receipt of notice of the civil proceedings against you by Ms. Roberts-Giuffre) under the Hague Service Convention, a multilateral treaty by member states (including Britain) of the Hague Conference on Private International Law. It gives litigants a reliable and efficient means of serving documents on parties living, operating or based in another country. The provisions of the Convention apply to service of process in civil and commercial matters. We will all be watching to see if you challenge the High Court’s decision by the September 24, 2021, deadline.

About Prince Andrew and Succession to the British Throne

Andrew Albert Christian Edward, Duke of York, Earl of Inverness and Baron Killyleagh is the third child and second son of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Charles, Prince of Wales, is the first son and will succeed his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. After Charles, comes Prince William (Andrew’s nephew), Duke of Cambridge. After William, his son Prince George of Cambridge (Andrew’s great nephew) will succeed Prince William. Prince Andrew, now 61 years old, doesn’t stand a chance of ever heading the British Monarchy; he’s ninth in the line of succession.

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About the Author

A serial entrepreneur, Melinda is a sociologist and statistician who believes there is no currency with greater value than knowledge

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